Dear all,

I write you regarding the forthcoming written exam in Public Economics (III Appello)

This is a gentle reminder that the exam will take place Monday 31-08-2020. 

Room: Google Meet link is:

9am - 9:30am students will be identified. Please make sure you will be able to show a valid Identification Document. You will need to wait a little bit before being accepted into the room as the invigilator is identifying other students.

The exam will start at 9:30am and end at 11:30am. You will be asked 3 open questions that you will receive via Moodle. Each question carries the same weight and you must attempt to answer all 3 questions. You will need to write your answers on a text editor (eg Microsoft Word) and then save these answers as .doc or .txt or .pdf, and then upload the file with your answers on Moodle. Please make sure you upload the answers by 11:30am.

It is advisable that you use Google Chrome.

IMPORTANT: Microeconomics exam (first year) must have been passed and registered by the date the Public Economics exam is held. It is ultimately the responsibility of the student to check this prerequisite for the exam. Otherwise, the exam will  not be valid.

Best wishes,
