Hi everyone
Welcome to the SIST course. My classes will be running alongside Prof Brisciana's course. The groups are divided into three groups (A,B and C) but I will be putting all the course material and information, including messages on my GRUPPO A Moodle page. PLEASE SIGN UP TO THIS COURSE ONLY (WITH THE IMAGE OF THE SUITCASE)!
We will be using the English for International Tourism upper-intermediate (B2) coursebook, published by Pearson. The book should be available at Cafoscarina 3 from this week or next week. For the first week, I will provide material for the lessons.
If I find we have a large number of C1 students, I will try to create some lessons for you. We can discuss this together in class and with Prof Brisciana.
Regarding attendance: I will keep a register and provide your attendance record to Prof Brisciana, who may provide a discretionary boost to your final result. For now, you can choose which timetable suits you best but we may need to make some changes depending on numbers and levels.
I look forward to meeting you all in class!